aluminum is a colorful entertainment show that combines movement, dance and visual theater. This is the first stage art show that I covered and in which I faced for the first time the challenge of photographing quick movements in a limited light environment. To overcome the light limitation, I started using a tripod, high ISO and open shutter.
aluminum is a colorful entertainment show that combines movement, dance and visual theater. This is the first stage art show that I covered and in which I faced for the first time the challenge of photographing quick movements in a limited light environment. To overcome the light limitation, I started using a tripod, high ISO and open shutter.
aluminum is a colorful entertainment show that combines movement, dance and visual theater. This is the first stage art show that I covered and in which I faced for the first time the challenge of photographing quick movements in a limited light environment. To overcome the light limitation, I started using a tripod, high ISO and open shutter.
aluminum is a colorful entertainment show that combines movement, dance and visual theater. This is the first stage art show that I covered and in which I faced for the first time the challenge of photographing quick movements in a limited light environment. To overcome the light limitation, I started using a tripod, high ISO and open shutter.