“People” are the main subjects in my photo work and it’s “People” that drive my passion in photography. My interest in people's behavior and interaction, their outer and inner look began many years ago. But only when I started photographing people did I realize that this is my way to start to understand what I see...
The galleries I present in this website are arranged by several sub categories such as stage arts, themes, street photography and stories. What all these have in common is my great interest in ”People”. The photos are presented in series and not as individual images. I'm in favor of this approach since the synergies of the series adds value and increases the impact of the individual stories and meaningful presence of the single picture.
I define my art work as direct and clear. Take a deep review at the pictures and many hidden details will appear.
I hope you enjoy the visit through this online gallery and I look forward to receiving your thoughts and feedback.
Pini Snir